


About Me Photo


As a young girl, I always enjoyed doing other people’s hair. I never thought that after obtaining my Masters in Human Services and Psychology, I would eventually return to those roots. Pun intended! Whether it was a friend in school or a family member needing a new look, I couldn’t help but work their hair into something stylish. Sometimes, that meant buying hair extensions at the local beauty supply store. Sadly, those wholesale extensions were terrible! They smelled, the hair was awful, and if it weren’t matting up, it fell out all over the place. It wasn’t until a chance viewing of a reality show that I realized hair extensions didn’t have to look and feel cheap.

Fast forward umpteen years, and my love for stylish hair is still with me. After moving to Georgia, I continued my pursuit of the perfect hair extension. By the time I found what I was looking for, life had, as it tends to do, gotten in the way. I pursued other avenues, in the back of my mind questioning if I’d ever return to hair. 

As it turns out - I would! 

With the passion for hair that I had as a teenager, I’ve created this shop as an outlet for hair extensions and related beauty supplies. My store is stocked with only high-quality, 100% virgin hair extensions for women and men. 

I remember what it was like working with low-quality extensions, and I don’t want others dealing with that mess. Shop with confidence knowing I’ve done my homework to supply only the best, long-lasting extensions.